That is only if the few remaining spots aren’t claimed before the time’s up!

If you want to claim one of the few remaining spots, comment below with:

Body Masters GO

Then hold tight for me to send you the sign-up details straight into your messenger inbox.

The time is NOW for you to make a change.

👇 Comment “Body Masters GO below to reserve your space. 👇

Body masters - www.lauraregnafitness.com


🤯 4 spots out of 10 are already gone!

Spaces in the Body Masters 6-Week program are rapidly being snapped up, and registration closes in just 24 hours! ⏰

If you’re an aging athlete and dancer struggling with pain and injury, this is your opportunity to get stronger and stay strong. Don’t miss out!

I shared this system with Liz and the results they achieved shocked me.

⭐ I have been working with Laura for over 4 years, the last many months on Zoom during the pandemic. Aside from Laura’s warm and engaging personality (I now count her as a friend), she is creative, and knowledgeable and gears the workouts to my body, my strengths and weaknesses, and my goals. I am in my early to mid 60’s, I wanted to maintain my strength and flexibility and make sure my balance is continually challenged so I minimize any risks of falling in the future.
If anyone is reading this who is interested in working with Laura virtually during the pandemic, we use 2 cameras, one on my phone and one on an iPad. She then gets to see my body from different angles and can still make corrections if my form slips. I have been amazed at how hard the workouts still are, and how much better I feel after them.
I think Laura is a complete prize and I fully endorse her as a wonderful personal trainer. Good luck if you want to start with her! ⭐

If you want to begin to achieve these sorts of results in the next 6-Week program and beyond, comment below with:

Body Masters GO 👇

Then, hold tight for me to send you the sign-up details straight into your messenger inbox.

But act fast…

⏰ There are ONLY 6 spaces left! ⏰

Comment below NOW to reserve your space. 👇



If you are still sitting on the fence, here is what you need to know…

👉 When does it start?

✅ On March 17, 2025, 10 Founding Members of the Body Masters 6 Week Program for only 497.00 will kick off their journey working closely with me to achieve getting your body back WithOUT pain and injury.

👉 Who is it for?

✅ The program is specifically designed to put an end to repeating past cycles. It’s designed for people who’ve tried different methods and still haven’t been able to feel strong.

👉 What’s included?

✅ You’ll get the Body Masters 6 Week Program for only 497.00, valued at 797.00. 

“What equipment do I need?”, “How much time do I need?”, “I’m not sure if a remote-coaching plan is right for me”]

👉 How much time do I need?

✅ You will need 20 minutes a day

To grab one of the remaining spaces comment below with…

Body Masters GO

Then hold tight for me to send you the sign-up details straight into your messenger inbox.

But act fast… You’ve only got 48hrs before registration closes! 

👇 Comment below NOW to reserve your space. 👇

lateral Jump-www.lauraregnafitness.com


Join the Fit Chick, Body Master Evolution


Yesterday I revealed information about my 6-week program to achieve your dream body.

The response was AMAZING.

So, here’s what’s going to happen…

I am looking for 10 active aging athletes and dancers who are experiencing pain and want to manage it effectively.

On March 17, 2025, these founding members will start working closely with me. I will not let you fail.

Does that sound exciting to you?

Would you LOVE to stop thinking about getting back into athletic shape and start taking the right steps towards FINALLY achieving your goals?

Those 10 Founding Members will get:

✅ 6-week program that you can do anywhere

👉 All you need to begin this Challenge is to commit to 20 minutes daily for your personalized plan. You have my full support and others in the group too!

✅ Bonus #1 Weekly group calls to personalize your plan

✅ Bonus #2 Nutrition and shopping tips so you can maximize results

✅ Bonus #3 WhatsApp Accountability Group so that you don’t quit!

✅ Bonus #4 to building your own workout /s that you can do anywhere

The best part is that you will get all of this for a huge discount as a founding member!

I will charge 797.00 for this program when I do the full public launch.

But I have a sneaky reason for giving you a huge discount…

I’m looking for 10 Founding Members, who I can work with closely over the next 6 weeks to get incredible results for them.

I’m looking for future testimonials of the Fit Chick’s Body Master Movement!

All I need from you is 497.00.

Interested in getting your body back?

Comment below with Body Master GO & I will personally send you the details.

It’s that simple.

Just type Body Master GO below to secure your spot.

Be Well,

Laura Regna

PS: You may be thinking… What’s the catch? Well, there is no catch. I’m simply looking to test out my new program and get some killer testimonials before releasing it to the wider public at the price it deserves.

PPS: There are only 10 spots available as founding members for 497.00 if this sounds like you, don’t wait!


Single leg balance with reach-www.lauraregnafitness.com

Are you an aging athlete or dancer?

How are you supposed to stay fit when you are constantly experiencing pain and recurring injury?


Is it actually possible to get your body back without paying a lot of money and doing it anywhere!


I bet you’ve tried numerous times… And nothing has quite worked for you, right?

How do you find the⏰TIME⏰to get your body back to where you want it… if you’re an aging athlete or dancer and have a full-time job?

How do you justify spending money on a gym membership or classes if you barely use it?

😨Why’s it so nerve-racking to invest in the same things from the past that haven’t worked for you before?

Is the constant battle to build strength and flexibility really worth it?

Can you get strong without reinjuring yourself and causing pain?

🤔And when should you start your journey of becoming a Body Master?

🤔Should you even try again to get your body back?

🤔Are you doing the same routine over and over and are bored? How often?

🤔What about trying a personal trainer STOP. JUST STOP.🤯

If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.

Hey, it’s Laura Regna here…👋

And, while I don’t claim to know it all, I HAVE helped numerous clients transform their bodies & lives by creating a sustainable step-by-step action plan. They call themselves Fit Chick Body Masters💪

And yet…

Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

Those early days were rough.

I’d take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in pain.

Anyways, if that’s kinda how you feel right now…

Let me give you a road map so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to a stronger that you can be proud of.

Let me show you that your body can change to be better💪

👇Here is what I’m proposing.👇

I’ve had a TON of aging athletes and dancers reach out to me asking for my help.

So I had this crazy idea to build a step-by-step plan to guide you from a weak and painful body to a stronger and in control of your body in 6 weeks.

No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from a fragile and hurting body to an energized and powerful body.

✅If you are interested in claiming one of the 10 spots available, comment below with: Body Master GO

👉More details to follow tomorrow

Be Well,

Laura Regna


Have you been doing squats correctly? Have you been practicing them in your workouts for a long time? Do you check your posture while doing them? I am willing to say that many people are unaware of some potential postural alignment issues. These issues can cause injuries and pain, especially if you are using weight while squatting.


I see this frequently at my studio with my active agers. Most of my clientele is over 40 years old. If you are 40 and over, you may be experiencing joint pain and feel some past injuries complaining every once in a while. Turning on the correct muscle while executing a squat can alleviate problems.

Check List

Let me begin with your feet. There is not much you can do about the structure of your feet; however, today, sneaker companies have developed a sneaker for several foot issues. The most common foot problems are pronation and supination. Pronation is when your foot rolls inward towards the center line of your body, and supination is when your foot rolls outward towards the outer sides of the body. Take a look at your feet in a mirror, or seek a professional to help determine if your feet pronate or supinate. When you know, purchase sneakers to support your feet in the correct position, somewhere in the middle. Neutral

Legs/Lower Back

Standing hip distance apart is correct. Ensure your knees are not locked while standing and your lower back is not swayed. If you feel discomfort or see your lower back sway, tighten your glutes and engage your abdominal muscles. You want to support your spine by using your abs.



Check out the rest of your spine. Is the middle or upper part (neck)arched or rounded? If so, you want to achieve an elongated back where it is neutral. This can be very hard for people to learn. The best way is to look in a mirror and correct yourself daily. It will take time, but it will change if you practice.

Body Inventory

Once you have your entire body aligned correctly, you can begin to approach the activity, which is the squat. Check to see if your body weight is evenly distributed while standing.



  • Start to bend both knees.
  • As you bend your knees, your weight shifts toward your heels.
  • Your torso and spine move forward, as well as your arms
  • Make sure your spine maintains the length that you created while standing(This includes the engagement of glutes and abs)
  • Go only as deep as you can support while maintaining all the above tips
  • You should be able to see your toes and be able to wiggle them as well

When you master this, you can add weight back into your workout routines. I highly suggest taking the time to look at your posture. It will help your strength and possibly eliminate your pain and past injuries.


Are you unhappy this new year? As we age, we get a little wiser and see the issues in our lives causing discontent. Sometimes it’s reframing how we think of situations; other times, it calls for change. Which is it for you, or is it both?

Need some help with turning your unhappy thoughts into positive ones? Read how you can make positive changes in your lifestyle that will make difference in how you feel.

Mind over matter

The power of thinking positively. It’s not a new concept; as I get older, I realize how important it is to live happily and graciously so you can live a healthy life.

Many aspects of a person’s life create happiness or unhappiness. Delicately balancing positive change with some complex shifts in relationships, careers, and self is hard but necessary.

Major Change

One of the most challenging changes in my life was my divorce. I chose to leave the relationship after 20-plus years. I can share with you that as much as my ex made me feel unhappy, I was also unhappy with myself.

We were childhood sweethearts and struggled for many years to have a healthy marriage. At 39 years old, I finally had enough courage to begin my divorce and was ready to make significant changes in my life! I was ready and desperately wanted to be happy and to work on my mental health.

Divorcing someone that has been a part of your life this long is a considerable change. It was a process. I experienced many struggles; however, in the end, I felt rewarded. My life continues to evolve for the better.

Stay Active

I kept active by practicing yoga and meditation, running, weight lifting, dancing, and going for long walks with my sweet dog, RIP Vance. I wrote many blogs during this time on the above topics. I was working on myself inside and out.


Yoga was my savior. When I left my house, it was winter, and it was an extreme winter that year. I practice primarily in my parent’s home and occasionally at a yoga studio. I needed yoga for the physical benefits and the positive affirmations that are taught. Yoga is the absolute best place to be if you need a boost in your mood. Several times I felt so negative/sad about everything, and as soon as I finished class, it was as if everyone picked me up and hugged me. Still, when I struggle the most, I turn to yoga.


Running at that time was invigorating and another way to interact with friends. I no longer run due to arthritis but walk a lot. I had a group of running partners, and we met during the week. They would make me laugh and push me harder and longer than I would on my own. The days didn’t run with them; I put on my earbuds and listened to my favorite music.

Physical Activities

As a personal trainer, weight training and pilates have been ingrained in me, and I have been doing both for years on my off days or a few exercises after my runs. Dance was also a massive part of my life at the time. I was still performing with BIODANCE. I have a group of dance friends I have known for years. It was a special place for me to express myself creatively.

The Little Stuff Matters

Appreciating the small stuff you do daily is a great way to begin thinking positively. Unfortunately, I lost a friend to cancer in October of 2021. She inspired me the entire way through her illness. By the end of her life, she still exuded gratefulness for the simplest pleasures. I think about those simple things every time I do them.

Participating in physical activity and engaging with friends will boost your mood 100%. Remember that saying fake it until you make it. It works! My life gradually improved, and I no longer had to fake it.

Be kind to yourself and others. Everyone has their struggles. Also, be patient. If you are working on change, it doesn’t happen overnight. Good luck, and Happy New Year!


How do you relieve your sore and tight back? Try out my top 3 recommended stretches and see for yourself! Our backs naturally are strong and provide support and stabilization for sitting and standing. The harsh truth is that we only notice our sore backs when experiencing soreness or tightness.

Lets Talk Posture

Your back is complex, with several muscles that we use every day. Whether the muscles support your posture when you sit, stand, or build muscle, they engage and are ready to help. There are large muscle groups and smaller ones that contribute to the extension (arch), flexion (curve), and stabilization of your spine. You will recruit certain muscle groups depending on your activity. These activities are things we do every day.

When you sit and stand, the back uses the larger lower back muscles, such as the erector spinae. The thick muscle layer runs vertically from the top of your spine to the bottom. The glutes, obliques, and abs also help us sit and stand. Below are my top 3 stretches to help the erector spinae muscles release.

Top 3 Stretches To Relieve Your Back:

Three excellent stretches for your sore and tight erector spinae muscles are child’s pose, seated forward stretch, and seated torso- twist.

How To Do a Child’s Pose

Child’s pose:

  • You want to do it on a comfortable surface like a mat or carpet. This pose is face-down; you may want a towel for your face. Also, if you have sensitive knees, consider a cushion like a thin pillow or fold your mat to your desired thickness.
  • Kneel on the floor and sit back on the heels of your feet. You want your hips to move close to your heels.
  • Relax your head on the floor.
  • Arms relax along the sides of your body.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat a couple of times. I love this stretch, and some days I can stay in it for several minutes.
Child's pose-Laura Regna Fitness Inc.
3 Top Stretches to relieve your Sore & Tight Back
How To Do a Seated Forward Fold

Seated forward fold:

  • This stretch is done on a chair or bench. Check your knees to make sure they are not above your hips. They should be parallel or a little below your hips.
  • Open your legs wide enough to fit your torso comfortably.
  • Bend forward to touch the floor with your hands. If you cannot reach the floor, use a prop to assist you. Some ideas for props are pillows, yoga blocks, books, and ottomans.
  • Stay in the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat one more time.
  • The seated forward fold is a super stretch to do at work!
Seated Forward Fold Stretch-Laura Regna Fitness Inc.
3 Top Stretches To Relieve Your Sore & Tight Back
How To Do a Seated Torso Twist

Seated torso twist:

  • Sit on the floor and extend your legs in front of you. Tips: If you cannot sit on the floor this way because you feel tight behind your legs (hamstrings) and your back is curved ( due to weak core muscles), you can try sitting on a large pillow. More appropriate props would be yoga bolsters, meditation pillows, and blocks.
  • Next, bend one leg across the other, creating a triangle-like shape (make sure both glutes remain on the floor and the foot of the crossed leg remains on the floor).
  • Hug your knee in close.
  • Your torso twists towards the crossed leg. Support the stretch with your arms holding onto the leg into the twist.
  • Again, hold the twist for 30 seconds and switch sides.
Seated Torso Twist Stretch -Laura Regna Fitness Inc.
3 Top Stretches To Relieve Your Sore & Tight Back
Seated Twist

This is the beginning of more recommended stretches from Laura Regna Fitness. If you live in Rochester, NY, and would like to attend my Essential Stretch class, or you have stretching questions, please drop me an email or comment. My email is lauraregnafitness@gmail.com.


Spring is about rebirth. People feel surges of energy during this time. So it’s no wonder why my personal training business increases in the spring. I want to talk about the craziness I experience during the springtime madness.


I have some suggestions to help you safely get into shape. Think about your end goals. What are they? Some people want to lose weight and others want to get back into their outdoor sports, while others need to build strength for yard-work.

Don’t dive in

Whatever you are gearing up for, make sure you start modestly. Number one mistake is jumping right into hard work. I hear about so many injuries and pain flare-ups because people do not have the patients to build up their strength and endurance. Most people during the winter have very different exercise habits and routines. For example, a biker will practice cycling indoors during the winter to keep their body in good working condition. Then, when the weather breaks, they return to the outdoors. The first few rides outside will feel different. The legs will be sore from riding outdoors because the environmental conditions are very different.

Couch potato to marathon runner?

If you haven’t been doing much activity during the winter, please do yourself a favor and take it slow, and ask a professional for advice. You would not prescribe yourself medication without consulting a doctor, so if you have a fitness need, ask a certified personal trainer before diving into a routine.

No Carbs allowed?

If you want to lose weight exercise is just the beginning. Take a look at your diet. Don’t do some crazy crash diet, eliminating foods you eat regularly, like carbs. Why can’t you eat carbs? I see it all the time. People are successful in losing weight, but eventually, go right back to where they started. I call the body weight fluctuation, the yo-yo diet. Going up and down all the time can cause damage to your organ and your body. Stop being so compulsive. Eat healthy food and stop overeating.

Do you Ignore your body?

Another common issue is getting into a fitness routine that isn’t working for your aging body. If you want to get back into running but your body doesn’t feel good doing it. STOP! I understand you want to do activities you once were able to do. However, you need to take some time to try new fitness routines and exercises. Emotionally it’s not easy, but you can still live a healthy lifestyle doing activities that can keep you away from surgery.

Your challenge this spring is to pay attention to what your body needs. You will know because you will feel amazing. Exercise and healthy eating don’t need to feel like a punishment.