Avocados are one of the best ways to add good fats into your diet. This easy recipe from Cook Eat Paleo, is made with two of my favorite foods!
Avocados are one of the best ways to add good fats into your diet. This easy recipe from Cook Eat Paleo, is made with two of my favorite foods!
Therapeutic Applications:
*Respiratory ailments
*Mild backache
*Menstrual discomfort
— practicing yoga with Emilia Bunich.
Skater: leaping from side to side, right to left, landing with knee bent, swing arms from side to side, right to left
* Try this exercise for 20 seconds to 1 minute, and repeat
**High intensity, anaerobic activity, builds lower body strength, works on balance
*** To make it harder, use light dumbbells in each hand or ankle weights
Photo by Cathy Craft
Featured Dutch DeCarvalho and 6 others.
* You can make this exercise harder by adding weight in each hand or by increasing reps
Photo by Cathy Craft
— exercising withEmily Montesino and 22 others.
New Years is around the corner, and many of us make resolutions for the new year. This article that I wrote could help you get started with those resolutions for 2015! One Easy Way to Be More Present and Self-Aware in 2015
Lauren Bates is demonstrating a single leg plank
*Start on all fours, Hands underneath shoulders, knees underneath hips, lift knees off of the floor, navel to spine, long spine, lift and hold one leg up
**Try holding the leg up for 10 seconds, on each side, and then slowly increase the amount of time — exercising with Lauren Bates.
Easy Roasted Shrimp Cocktail Recipe from Eat Cook Paleo
Pilates back strengthening exercise you can do at home:
Start face-down, arms extended above the head, lift right arm, head and neck, and left leg off of the floor, both hip bones should remain touching the floor, draw you navel towards the spine, repeat with opposite arm and leg.
*Try 2 sets of 5 reps on each side — with Laura Murawski and 2 others
Photo by Cathy Craft
Stretching: Need I say more…The student’s are stretching their hamstrings (inner thigh)
Photo by Cathy Craft
— practicing yoga with Jocelyn Reed, Lauren Bates, Will M. Dillard-Jackson