Most people settle into a comfortable position during an 8 hour a day. This relaxed pose probably is not the best for your body.
From your hips down
Here are some tips on how to sit correctly. Make sure you are sitting in your chair with your legs and knees at a 90-degree angle, or your knees are below your hip bones. If the knees are above, it causes the hip to flex (tightening the muscles in the front of your hips) which can cause muscle cramps. Also, it may cause discomfort in your knees after hours of sitting.
Do you cross your legs? If so, try not too because it can cause stress on the knee, especially for extended time periods.
Up top
Sit up tall in your chair. Do a body scan (Pay attention to your upper body from head to tail bone). Here, are some questions to ask yourself.
- Is your chin tucked towards your chest?
- Are your shoulders rounded forward?
- Are you favoring/ leaning to one side?
- Is your mid and lower back rounded?
If you find that you do any of the four, then here is how you can change the bad posture. Make sure your computer screen is eye level, to avoid looking downward. Likely, looking down at your screen your shoulders will round.
Often, I catch myself leaning to one side. I am not sure why, but as soon as I notice, I change it. This favoring leads to rounding in my lower spine.
These types of deviations in posture are sometimes habits, or they can be a sign of weak core muscles. Good news is that you can strengthen them, even at your desk! Click here to see my Free Workout Plan To Do During Your Work Day
Once you notice your workday posture, then you can work slowly on changing for the better. The longer you do this, the longer you will maintain the correct posture. Also, do my Free Workout Plan To Do During Your Work Day to become stronger!