Category Archives: Tips

Need To Strengthen Your Legs? Try A Single Leg Dead-lift

Carissa is demonstrating a single leg dead-lift (Single leg RDL) without weight. This exercise is great for the legs and for challenging your balance.

*Carissa is a dancer, so if you are not, you can still do the same exercise with the balance without lifting your leg as high off the ground.

**PROGRESSION: Try Single Leg RDL’s with dumbbells or bar

Start with feet hip distance apart, shift your weight to one side and lift leg, both hip bones should be facing the ground, bend forward keeping leg lifted, use your abdominals to support torso, reach opposite arm from supporting leg towards the floor, bring torso back up, repeat 5 to 10 reps on each side. 

exercising with Carissa Bishop.

Try This Exercises: Chest Press with a Partner

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CONDITIONING        Dance_Class-658:


TRY THIS EXERCISE: The students are having fun with some resistance training!

Simulating a chest press, palm to palm, pressing against each other, legs and core are activated, so that they can stay in place.

*Their entire body is being used in this exercise

Photo by Cathy Craft

Featured in photo: Lauren Bates, Anjelica Lindsey, Andrew Duran, Emilia Bunich, Rebecca Coffman



Top 10 Fitness Gifts To Put On Your Christmas Wish List:

1.  Favorite running sneakers

2. Keeps your head warm when outside and you can keep your ponytail

3 & 4. Great tools to help relax tight muscles, and they can be used before and after your workouts

5. Keeps track of your target heart rate and calories burned

Breathable but keep my feet warm


6. Manduka yoga mats are a great brand

7. A must have yoga prop when practicing yoga

8. Makes it easy to carry your yoga mat, with a convenient storage pocket

9. Prevents your sweaty hands from sliding during your yoga practice

10. Breathable athletic socks that will keep you warm

Monthly Maintenance:

Monthly Maintenance:

If you are an extremely active person, then you will probably need to have some type of body work done on a regular basis. It could be massage therapy, Myofascial Release, a stretching session, acupuncture, etc. As long as it works for you!

I call it my “monthly maintenance”, because once a month I get a deep muscle massage or some type of specialized body work. Yesterday, I experienced my first hands- on, Myofascial Release and Shiatsu treatment, from a licensed massage therapist.

LMT Kori Tolbert, of Rochester, NY, worked on my current issues, which all seem to be on my left side. As some of you know, years ago, while dancing, I ruptured my left achilles tendon. Since then, my left leg has never been the same. So, I keep working on the healing process, in the hopes that one day it will feel better.

Part of the session was noticing sensations while Kori worked on me, and I found that it was very interesting that specific points she was working on, directly correlated with other body parts, like my liver and gallbladder.

Definitions from Wikipedia:
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. This alternative medicine therapy aims to relax contracted muscles, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles.

Shiatsu (Kanji: 指圧 Hiragana: しあつ) in Japanese means “finger pressure”. It is based on the concepts of “qi”, “Meridian Lines” and the system of “five phases” (five-element theory) in in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


10 Tips to Staying on track while traveling for Thanksgiving:


Are are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

Here are 10 Tips to staying on track while traveling for the holiday:

1. Try to maintain a balanced diet, good fats, protein, and carbohydrates.
2. Stick to small serving sizes
3. Search the web for gyms or fitness facilities around your travel area.
4. Have a personal trainer give you a workout program designed to either accommodate a hotel gym or your hotel room.
5. Have your friends or family members workout with you.
6. Go for walks, hikes, and or runs outside
7. Check hotel accommodations to set up a personal training session. If you are traveling to Rochester, NY, The Strathallan A Doubletree by Hilton, has a personal training team, named Optimum Results.
8. Bring a yoga mat, easy to travel with, and you can practice many Pilates and yoga exercises, in the privacy of your own room.
9. Have the mind-set that you are going to stay on track, before and during the holiday.
10. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!