Are you unhappy this new year? As we age, we get a little wiser and see the issues in our lives causing discontent. Sometimes it’s reframing how we think of situations; other times, it calls for change. Which is it for you, or is it both?

Mind over matter
The power of thinking positively. It’s not a new concept; as I get older, I realize how important it is to live happily and graciously so you can live a healthy life.
Many aspects of a person’s life create happiness or unhappiness. Delicately balancing positive change with some complex shifts in relationships, careers, and self is hard but necessary.
Major Change
One of the most challenging changes in my life was my divorce. I chose to leave the relationship after 20-plus years. I can share with you that as much as my ex made me feel unhappy, I was also unhappy with myself.
We were childhood sweethearts and struggled for many years to have a healthy marriage. At 39 years old, I finally had enough courage to begin my divorce and was ready to make significant changes in my life! I was ready and desperately wanted to be happy and to work on my mental health.
Divorcing someone that has been a part of your life this long is a considerable change. It was a process. I experienced many struggles; however, in the end, I felt rewarded. My life continues to evolve for the better.
Stay Active
I kept active by practicing yoga and meditation, running, weight lifting, dancing, and going for long walks with my sweet dog, RIP Vance. I wrote many blogs during this time on the above topics. I was working on myself inside and out.
Yoga was my savior. When I left my house, it was winter, and it was an extreme winter that year. I practice primarily in my parent’s home and occasionally at a yoga studio. I needed yoga for the physical benefits and the positive affirmations that are taught. Yoga is the absolute best place to be if you need a boost in your mood. Several times I felt so negative/sad about everything, and as soon as I finished class, it was as if everyone picked me up and hugged me. Still, when I struggle the most, I turn to yoga.

Running at that time was invigorating and another way to interact with friends. I no longer run due to arthritis but walk a lot. I had a group of running partners, and we met during the week. They would make me laugh and push me harder and longer than I would on my own. The days didn’t run with them; I put on my earbuds and listened to my favorite music.

Physical Activities
As a personal trainer, weight training and pilates have been ingrained in me, and I have been doing both for years on my off days or a few exercises after my runs. Dance was also a massive part of my life at the time. I was still performing with BIODANCE. I have a group of dance friends I have known for years. It was a special place for me to express myself creatively.
The Little Stuff Matters
Appreciating the small stuff you do daily is a great way to begin thinking positively. Unfortunately, I lost a friend to cancer in October of 2021. She inspired me the entire way through her illness. By the end of her life, she still exuded gratefulness for the simplest pleasures. I think about those simple things every time I do them.
Participating in physical activity and engaging with friends will boost your mood 100%. Remember that saying fake it until you make it. It works! My life gradually improved, and I no longer had to fake it.
Be kind to yourself and others. Everyone has their struggles. Also, be patient. If you are working on change, it doesn’t happen overnight. Good luck, and Happy New Year!