What does LRF Lifestyle entail? To pilot the program, my client Rose agreed to meet five days a week for fitness training, fuel plan review, and wellness counseling.
In the Beginning…
Rose’s initial goal was quite simple to measure: lose one pound per week. I took her measurements, then photographed her from a variety of angles for comparison at the end of our four-week trial.
Rose signed up for myfitnesspal.com to monitor both food and water consumption. She also joined the private group I started within the fitness app. Although myfitnesspal tracks calorie consumption, I was not interested in that functionality: how many calories Rose burned during our sessions WAS NOT my concern.
I know that some people prefer to know exactly how many calories they burn during exercise. However, LFR Lifestyle focuses on balanced eating supported by personalized routines for five days a week.
What were her personalized exercises routines?
Rose’s tailored exercise programs included strength training, Pilates mat work (including Pilates MOTR resistance training), yoga, and Thai Bodywork.
Rose myriad of alignment issues caused injuries in the past. In each session, we worked to correct her alignment issues.
Taking a close look
One must correct weakness that occurs in your body, an essential feature of LRF Lifestyle. With two decades of experience in dance and personal training, my expert eye witnessed numerous private training sessions where trainers show no regard for proper alignment. I cringe thinking about it.
If you truly practice patience, hold the desire to be the best you, I can train you and MAKE IT HAPPEN. You cannot expect positive life changes if you don’t want to work on the hard stuff! As my partner’s high school freshman football coach, Coach Frost, was fond of saying: the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. A healthy lifestyle includes eating well, drinking sufficient water, and exercising properly. The LRF Lifestyle client needs to accept the modifications I recommend. If you resist change, reverting to old habits that caused trouble in the past becomes more likely.
Click here to see Rose’s Before and After measurements, and photos.