I am officially introducing David Zarkowsky as a NASM-certified personal trainer. He has been working in fitness since 2016.
Before his fitness career began, David was on his own personal journey to lose weight. At only 5’7′, David weighed 260lbs. David struggled with his weight throughout his adult life but decided to make a great change when he was going through a divorce. “If it was for health concerns, I would have done it after having a heart attack at 39 years of age.”
Currently, David weighs 184lbs, continuing to train 5 to 6 times a week. He re-engineered his eating habits, yet, he doesn’t starve himself, enjoying a balanced diet. The absence of processed foods, his diet most resembles that of a vegetarian.
David calls on the words of coaching and management icon John Wooden, the ‘Wizard of Westwood.’ Wooden famously said: Don’t mistake activity for achievement. David expands on Wooden’s wisdom: it’s not about the activity, spending hours at the gym. Instead, the most critical work will be done outside the gym.
As I have been by his side throughout his fitness career, I can attest to his dedication in the field. Not only his weight loss goals but his determination to become a certified trainer at the age of 48. He is easy to talk with, and if you love sports he has some fun trivia to share with you! I am directly speaking to the men and women that have been struggling to be healthy, David is the trainer you want by your side. He knows what you are going through; he can help you be successful.
You can contact him by email or cell at: davidzarkowsky@gmail.com and 773-972-1349
Start now with your resolutions for 2019! I want to begin by wishing you a healthy and happy 2019. Did you set goals for yourself this year? Here are my suggestions for successfully completing your resolutions.
Mind Set
When you set a goal, it’s imperative that you create a mind map: the requisite steps to accomplish your goal. Since the beginning of 2018, I planned to relocate my studio/gym. I plan to create a beautiful place for my clients to continue their training while offering other wellness components. The new wellness programs are designed to help my clients to physically and mentally focus on their health goals. I am incredibly excited to enact my vision this spring! I found a fabulous new location currently under construction.
Steps to achieving my wellness center
First in February and then in June, I attended an intense Thai massage certification program to obtain my Thai Bodywork certification. Over the summer, I tested my new wellness initiation on one of my current clients. Her results, amazing! During the test run, I learned a lot about what I need to change in order for the program to be a success!
I want to continue to focus on my current clients. Who is going to help me with this goal? My boyfriend, David L. Zarkowsky, is becoming a certified personal trainer. He will receive the same certification as me, NASM. I get to share the knowledge and experiences that molded me into a great trainer. Sharing my mistakes will also help him become successful.
Emotional Well-being
All of the above sounds fantastic! My next goal, to ensure my mental health. I realize that I don’t have control over all of the situations that occur; however, it is critically important to keep my mind happy. To borrow from Budhism, the ultimate source of happiness is your mind.
Steps to a healthy mental well-being
I now realize that a happy mind is equally as important (more so?) than a happy body. How am I learning how to control the things I can change in order to be happy? I go to a weekly therapy session and biweekly acupuncture session. The two are wonderful! Periodically, I add some massage therapy.
The other thing I plan to do is to take breaks. I need breaks more often then I think. The breaks are new for me, certainly not intuitive to me. It seems that my parents raised me to work hard, a fantastic trait to own; however, my incessant work ethic causes problems. I recently began to take more breaks with positive results. The breaks keep me sharp as an instructor. Additionally, I don’t feel as exhausted on a daily basis.
So what are your goals this year? What steps are you taking to achieve your goals? You can do anything you want with clear goals, steps to accomplish those goals and initiative. Everyone needs support to achieve their goals; it’s not a journey you should take alone. Identify your support system; they will hold you accountable. Good luck!
Do you want to feel healthy? Rose, LRF Lifestyle participant, certainly wanted to change. Read all about her transformation in just four weeks.
Laura Regna Fitness (LRF) Lifestyle is a resounding success! With the cocktail of hard work and persistence, Rose accomplished her weight loss goals concurrent with implementing healthy lifestyle changes.
Last month, I piloted my comprehensive wellness program: Laura Regna Fitness Lifestyle. The program’s sole focus, the client’s complete wellness.
What does LRF Lifestyle entail? To pilot the program, my client Rose agreed to meet five days a week for fitness training, fuel plan review, and wellness counseling. Continue reading DO YOU WANT TO FEEL HEALTHY?→
What are Keto supplements? How can they help me? A high school friend turned me onto a new supplement called Keto.
After meeting with my friend and her fitness colleague about Keto supplements from Pruvit, I decided to try their products for 10 days. The Keto supplement provides Ketones into your diet. The Keto diet focuses on low carbohydrate, high protein, and fat food intake. Continue reading KETO SUPPLEMENTS: HOW CAN THEY HELP ME?→
Outdoor yoga in the summer heat is a fantastic experience. Do you want to know how to practice outdoor yoga in Vegas? Try these yoga poses with simple tips.
I vacation in Vegas during the hottest months of the year. I can attest that you need to be prepared for the heat. For this summer’s Vegas vacation, I traveled with 5 of my girlfriends from high school. We rented a pool, jacuzzi equipped house on Airbnb. As an aside, I highly recommend this house on Airbnb. Continue reading STEAMY OUTDOOR YOGA IN THE DESERT PARADISE OF LAS VEGAS→
What is Thai Bodywork? Can Thai Bodywork provide relief from muscle aches and pain? Do you think Thai Bodywork would affect your wellness? These are all good questions.