With little prep time, you can have a great lunch or snack. Tuna fish is low in fat and high in protein, avocado is high in healthy fats, so, the two are a perfect marriage. Also, the splash of fresh lemon provides flavor and can help you in burning fat. You should know that you will need to consume much more lemon juice to help you burn fat, but it certainly one way to add more into your diet.
I feel that many of my clients and family are lacking these two categories(protein and healthy fat) in their daily diets. The common mistake for many pf them is over-consuming carbohydrates. I don’t think that carbohydrates are bad, I think carbs are great when you eat the right portion and serving size. Carbohydrates provide us with energy. Looking at the food label on the food packaging is the best way to know what is a single serving size.
Look at your serving size and ingredients! I am sure you have heard this before, but I feel that it’s worth repeating, if you can’t read it, then most likely it’s not food. You want to eat real food! All these extra food additives, fake sugars, and fillers that we find in our food, we do not need in our body. Think of fake ingredients like pollution, they are toxic and certainly not good for our health.
Try to reading your labels, and eating clean with reasonable serving sizes for a few weeks, you will notice a difference in your body and energy level.