Preparing your body for gardening is important so that you don’t get injured. It will also be critical to give yourself plenty of breaks to drink water and give your body a rest.
Strong body
Here are a few motions you will want to practice before going out. Woodchop, is a great prep exercise for yard work. It is a twisting motion that strengthens the abs, arms, and shoulders.
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Choose dumbells between 3 to 8lbs. You will only need one weight for this exercise. Start standing with feet wider than hip distance apart.
Woodchop -high
Woodchop -low
Ranking your yard is also a very nice upper body workout. However, it is very repetitive motion for the upper body. I suggest trying a dumbbell row to strengthen the back and arm muscles.
Planting flowers in your garden are strenuous for your back, so another excellent exercise is back extensions. I guarantee if you practice this exercise you will notice the different in strength in your back.
Digging in the dirt
Using a spade shovel for gardening is hard on the legs. You will want to build strength in your legs for this purpose. Try a squat to a standing leg extension. I recommend ankle weights, but you can certainly do them without any weight.
Squat with single leg extensions
Ankle weights are great home equipment to have because you can use them for many other exercises, like walking. The brand I linked to above is versatile. You can place them on your arms too!
Bending down and picking up materials and others things in the yard is another repetitive movement you want to train your body for this spring time. Deadlifts are great for your hamstrings and lower back.
Get started with these exercises for your spring gardening and yard upkeep. These simple movements can get you ready for the season!
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