Thursdays work schedule began early this morning. Again, my morning line up was diverse. I find it interesting to investigate movement and dysfunction, and trying to give appropriate exercises.
Flexibility is important
In the line up of clients this morning, I spent time assessing one of my client’s mobility in his psoas and hamstrings. His body is strong. However, these muscles are tight for him. He learned a few new stretches, and I showed him some images of these two muscle groups.
This client is a visual learner. He likes to see the stretches first, then he tries it, along with my explanation and verbal cueing. One of my goals is to free up the psoas and hamstrings so that he can experience a new freedom. He chronically has lower back pain. Some pain is from muscle tightness, and the other is from wear and tear, over the years.
Knowing your clients
One of my disabled clients was exhausted when I arrived at her home. The tricky part is getting some movement in, but not injure her. This client is always willing to work hard for me, even when she is exhausted. I decided to do exercises in her bed, lying down on her back.
She continues to make small progress, and I am incredibly proud of her hard work! I hope she will be able to walk again with very little assistance. I also hope that she will regain movement and control in her arm.
Break Time
I have to admit, a huge perk to my job and running my own business is having time to rest when I have breaks in my day. I unexpectedly had more free time this afternoon, so I decided to get a nap in before my pm clients’.
My last client of the evening I was hoping to teach her a private yoga session. Unfortunately, she couldn’t make it due to an unpreventable circumstance.
She has made a tremendous amount of positive changes in the short time we have been training together. My goal tonight was to take her through an entire class, correcting alignment and showing modifications when needed.
Ending earlier than expected meant that I could go home and cook dinner for David’s kids, in his absence, at 6:30 pm.