Happy Monday! I Woke up this morning to sounds of high winds and a gloomy sky. Luckily, my partner, David, and animals make my mornings happy.
We typically start our mornings walking together, walking me to work with our dog, Lou. This morning was a real treat walking to work with the gusts of wind blowing at our bodies.
1st in line
The beginning of my work day started slowly, which was fine with me since I got to enjoy my coffee and ease into my schedule.
Being a good trainer involves listening to the needs of your clients, and working at a pace that makes them comfortable. My job is to motivate and create a positive environment. More importantly, asking how they are doing, can go a long way.
My favorite meal of the day
Making time for breakfast is tricky, however, I was able to fit a nutritious breakfast in this morning. I went up to Char, located at The Strathallan.
My meal, a bagel, locks, onions, tomatoes, and capers is my favorite breakfast at Char. It is a lot of food, but for some reason, I felt that I needed more food than usual. This meal included carbs, protein, good fat, and vegetables.
After my morning clients at my private gym, it’s off to home clients. A mother and daughter that I have been training for years.
Clients equals happiness
My clients are a big part of my life, especially those who have been training with me for years. We share our experiences with each other. A lot of our sessions are working- out and an update on our weekly stories.
Sometimes the topics are substantial, and many of them need support and a friendly ear to listen.
Marathon Mondays
Finally, at 3 pm I can sit and have lunch. I ate hummus with broccoli, almonds and pistachios, and relatively large, delicious apple. I also have been drinking water throughout my day. It is crucial that I eat well and drink enough water because it keeps me hydrated and energized.
Next up, a few pm clients. My last two clients are entertaining. They are both great women, but different. One is an MD and 68 years old, and the other is 23 and just beginning her career.
Dinner Time
My dinner, brown rice, red curry with lentils, and baked fish. For dessert, cubes of cantaloupe. I was able to eat shortly after returning home from work because David cooked the rice and lentils, and cut up the cantaloupe. All I had to do was turn on the oven and bake the fish for about 12 minutes.
Having a variety of personalities, age groups, gender with different fitness needs always makes for an exciting day. I could not be happier to learn and interact with each of them every day.